1. The Application

The Application Architecture

Before we look at the module AppliAR.jl we begin with building the module Accounts in chapter 2 to gain some experience.

AR is short for Accounts Receivable. We test the module with two supporting packages: AppliSales.jl and AppliGeneralLedger.jl.

The application architecture is based on the actor model. The article The actor model in 10 minutes explains the model very well. The link comes from the Rocket.jl documentation, the package we use to test our AppliAR.jl module.

                              │ BankStatement(s)
       SalesActor ───────> ARActor ───────> GLActor
                  Order(s)    ⇵    Entry(s)    ⇵
                            Store            Store

Fig 1.1 The application architecture.

  • The SalesActor uses the AppliSales package to send the orders to the ARActor.
  • The StmActor reads a CSV file with bank statements and sends them to the ARActor.
  • The ARActor (Accounts Receivable) uses the AppliAR.jl package to process orders and bank statements and sends journal entries to the GLActor.
  • GLActor uses the AppliGeneralLedger package and turns journal entries into general ledger statements.

'A package is a project with a name , uuid and version entry in the Project. toml file, and a src/PackageName. jl file that defines the module PackageName'.

A module is Julia code with a clearly defined boundary. We use the onion architecture to achieve it. The peels Domain, API, and Infrastructure are defined as sub-modules.

The example on AppliAR.jl page shows the case with docker containers.

Before we discuss the application, you can gain some experience with building a module called Accounts.